Sign-Up today to have Storytime To-Go kits made for your reader. Call the library at (419)947-5866 or email and request your first Storytime To-Go Kit. Let us know the interests and ages of your reader and a kit will be prepared specifically for you. Once you are notified that the first kit is ready for pick-up, you will automatically receive notification of a new kit EVERY WEEK. Each kit has our standard two-week checkout with it to give you plenty of time to get through everything provided.
Each kit contains three to six books on a specific topic—anything from dogs and cats to the first day of school. Some of the bundles, such as multicultural books or books about how hard bedtime can be, might be conversation-starters; others are surefire laugh-out-loud selections. Each kit also includes an activity sheet and at-home craft for you to keep. Kits are intended for those birth through age 13.